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COVID-19 : If you have flu symptoms, please mention it to your practitioner before your appointment to discuss if you should attend or not. Thank you for your understanding and care of others. **

COVID-19 : Si vous avez des symptômes, svp contacter votre praticienne afin de voir si vous devriez annuler ou vous présenter. Merci de votre compréhension et de votre contribution à aider à protéger les clients à risque.

Rolfing® Structural Integration

Rolfing® is a holistic manual therapy that focuses on the fascia of the body. It seeks to reorganize the muscles and the connective tissue (fascia) through manipulation and movement. It's a way of decompressing the body, allowing greater fluidity of movement and better alignment with gravity.


Mojo is a graduate of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® in Boulder, CO. She has taken her skills back to her community in Ottawa with a desire to give back and share the gift of this eye-opening modality.

Her practice

Whether clients come to her for chronic pain relief, injury recovery, improvement of functional mobility, or posture and body alignment, Mojo addresses her clients’ concerns with care and support for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

How did she find Rolfing® SI?

Mojo came upon Rolfing® SI after years of injuries and compression caused by physically demanding jobs, an active lifestyle, and extensive traveling. After playing music throughout Asia for 6 years, in 2016 she packed her bags and started working in event production. Though this experience has been one of the most rewarding parts of her life, it has also been one of the most physically demanding.

She tried various types of manual therapy to help relieve the chronic discomfort she experienced in her hips, back, neck, and knees. These injuries were preventing her from leading the life she wanted to live. That’s when she discovered Rolfing® SI. Through the Rolfing® Ten-Series, the course of her life changed. She soon realized she was being transformed for the better. Throughout the sessions, her physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being all improved.

Rolfing® SI has not only relieved her chronic pain but also has helped her find a profound sense of home and ease within her own body.

She is looking forward to hearing from you, sharing her skills, and sharing what it feels like to be embodied through this dynamic and multi-modal work.

Mojo Laviolette CERTIFIED ROLFER™ Mojo is a graduate of the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute® in Boulder, ... Read More

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