If you are booking for your child, please create an account in their name with a new Username.

COVID-19 : If you have flu symptoms, please mention it to your practitioner before your appointment to discuss if you should attend or not. Thank you for your understanding and care of others. **

COVID-19 : Si vous avez des symptômes, svp contacter votre praticienne afin de voir si vous devriez annuler ou vous présenter. Merci de votre compréhension et de votre contribution à aider à protéger les clients à risque.



Birthing Tips - Coaching Session

Great for expecting mothers and the person accompanying them during labor, be it their partner, friend or Dula. Learn how a mother can position herself in various ways to facilitate the baby's passage through the birth canal, help the baby reposition, trouble shoot when progress is stalling, favour positions that minimize tearing and maximise blood flow to the uterus and thus minimize foetal di... Read More

Great for expecting mothers and the person accompanying them during labor, be it their partner, friend or Dula. Learn how a mother can position herself in various ways to facilitate the baby's passage through the birth canal, help the baby reposition, trouble shoot when progress is stalling, favour positions that minimize tearing and maximise blood flow to the uterus and thus minimize foetal distress and post partum impacts on the baby.

To book an assessment with Maryse Tassé, please email MaryseOsteopath@gmail.com

I have always been fascinated by how the body moves. As a child, I became a competitive gymnast and as a young adult, I studied in a professional contemporary dance training program. It was in this context that I suffered a foot injury that resulted in having to walk with a cane for seven years. During that time, I explored various treatment modalities that might help me heal. I eventually discovered osteopathy, was treated with success and I never used a cane again. I was struck by how effective such an approach to health that combined elements of different modalities was.

As I explored osteopathy further, I realized that it not only combined tools to work with bones, joints, muscles and the cranium and its dura, but also with organs and their fascia that suspend them to bones and joints. For some osteopaths, including myself, treatments also include work with the etheric body (or energy fields).

To book an assessment with Maryse Tassé, please email MaryseOsteopath@gmail.com I have always be... Read More

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Ottawa Family Osteopathy
Located at: 35 Beechwood, 3rd, Floor, Ottawa
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